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Top Rated "Excellent" on TripAdvisor by more than 1,500 travellers!
+44 (0) 7700154726 +1 270 515 5559 About Us Contact Us
Top Rated "Excellent" on TripAdvisor by more than 1,500 travellers!

London tours for socially distanced return!

Black Cab Heritage Tours have been extremely busy during the past few weeksgetting ready for a return of tourism after lockdown.

It may be some time before our guests arrive from overseas. The UK Government recently announced the current 14-day self-quarantine period will remain in place for inbound tourists.

This policy will be up for revue every 3 weeks. This will be until low transmission rates and agreements between governments will remove the need for such measures.


The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has impacted on our industry – but tourism always bounces back!

BCHT will therefore start to offer a limited number of tour options from Saturday 4th Julyonly to couples and small nuclear family groups from the local population.

The health and safety of our guests is always our top priority here at BCHT. We are putting in place some extra special measures for all future tour activities:

  • All our vehicles will be sanitised with disinfectant cleaning by their owner drivers immediately after each service
  • The transparent partition screen provides a unique private passenger compartment for the passengers
  • A safe distance exists between guests and their Driver Guide hosts – exceeding the current minimum 2 metres set by government guidelines
  • The passenger compartment has a separately controlled air-conditioning system
  • Presentation stops will be conducted in quiet open air locations – away from crowded hotspots
  • Driver Guide hosts shall wash and sanitise their hands on a frequent basis throughout each service
  • Hand sanisters will be available to all of our guests at all times while on tour

Our talented team of accredited London Tour Guides have been keeping really positive during lockdown!

Plenty of brainstorming has been going on between us, and we are putting together some amazing and diverse tour activities that will have local appeal.

Guests will have the chance to enjoy London again! Take the belated chance to celebrate a birthday or anniversary missed while in isolation.

Let’s look forward to a ‘new normal’. Watch this space!


Travellers can feel confident that panoramic sightseeing is conducted from the cleanest and safest form of transport – the London Black Cab.