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Top Rated "Excellent" on TripAdvisor by more than 1,500 travellers!

2017 Luxury Travel Guide Awards Shortlisting

Black Cab Heritage tours has been honored to make the shortlist for the 2017 Luxury Travel Guide Awards. Making it to this stage is a reward in itself, but the process is still underway to choose the finalists in these travel awards.

Benjamin Pugh, the Awards Coordinator, writes: 

Basically we have been running the voting process over the last year and have welcomed people to put forward their nominations. We also contacted almost two million subscribers to invite them to vote for the best experiences they have had. You obviously received a nomination. Our research team and judging panel will pick the winners based on whom they feel are the most worthy nominees.

LTG Europe 2017 Shortlisted


About LTG Awards:

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